While technically optional, Service Commands are arguably the most powerful part of the configuration file. This is the set of commands that Tugboat runs in a Service container while creating a Preview.
Tugboat’s service commands fit into two categories:
The service commands are separated into a set of stages: init
, update
, and build
. Each stage represents an
optional set of commands that Tugboat should run during that stage. For more info on the stages in the Preview build
process, check out:
the build process: explained.
It may help to think of the stages as groups of commands with a particular purpose. While not enforced in any way, the stages roughly represent the following purposes:
init - Run commands that set up the basic Preview infrastructure. This might include things like installing required packages or tools, or overriding default configuration files.
update - Run commands that import data or other assets into a Service. This might include things like importing a database, or syncing image files into a service.
build - Run commands that build or generate the actual site. This might include things like compiling Sass files, updating 3rd party libraries, or running database updates that the current code in the preview depends on.
Each command is run in its own context, meaning things like cd
do not “stick” between commands. If
that behavior is required, an external script should be included in the git repository and called from the config file.
image: tugboatqa/httpd:2.4
default: true
- apt-get install nodejs
- ln -snf "${TUGBOAT_ROOT}" "${DOCROOT}"
- rsync -av example.com:files/ "${DOCROOT}/files/"
- chgrp -R www-data "${DOCROOT}/files"
- npm install
image: tugboatqa/mysql:5.6
- scp example.com:mysqldump.sql.gz /tmp/
- zcat /tmp/mysqldump.sql.gz | mysql tugboat
Notice that each stage is optional for a given service. There may not be any commands required for that service during some stage. When that is the case, the stage can be excluded completely.
You can also configure service commands to run after a Tugboat Preview has built. The two service commands that run after the build process are:
might be useful for
running a background process; to warm up caches, for example.For an example of the online
and start
commands, here’s a sample code snippet from
our Diffy integration:
image: tugboatqa/httpd:2.4
default: true
# Download the Diffy CLI tool, and authenticate.
- curl -L https://github.com/DiffyWebsite/diffy-cli/releases/download/0.1.2/diffy.phar -o /usr/local/bin/diffy
- chmod +x /usr/local/bin/diffy
- diffy auth:login $DIFFY_API_KEY
# Warm the cache
- sudo -u www-data /var/lib/tugboat/vendor/bin/drush --root /var/lib/tugboat/web warmer:enqueue -l localhost
--verbose --run-queue
# Compare this service with production using Diffy
- diffy project:compare $DIFFY_PROJECT_ID prod custom --env2Url=$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL
# Compare this service with the base preview
- if [ "x$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL" != "x" ]; then diffy project:compare $DIFFY_PROJECT_ID custom custom
The start
command would run in a similar command context.
In addition to service commands that run during the build process, and service commands that execute after the build
snapshot is complete, there are two more service commands you can use in your Tugboat builds: clone
and ready
When you use clone
commands in your config.yml, these commands will only run on the cloned (new) Preview that has been
created from an existing Preview using
Under the covers, Clone duplicates a Preview at the time of
the build snapshot. Commands you include
in your .tugboat/config.yml
as clone
service commands then run on the duplicated (new) Preview, and then that
version of the Preview is committed as a build snapshot, overwriting the original duplicated Preview. As a result,
commands that you run in clone
get committed as part of the build snapshot, so they become permanently part of the
Preview. Things like Reset do not erase clone
commands, and those commands would carry over if you made a Preview cloned in this way a Base Preview.
You might use the clone
command in cases where your running Previews depend on something written to disk that is
derived from the Preview ID or Service URL; or anything
that will have new values in the newly-cloned Preview.
A good use case for the clone
command would be updating a WordPress database to work with the new URL. From our
WordPress tutorial, you might execute this on a cloned Preview:
## Set the DOCROOT to reflect the new Preview and Service URL
wp --allow-root --path="${DOCROOT}" search-replace "${TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL_HOST}" "${TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL_HOST}"
commandAn additional service command you might find useful in some cases is the ready
command. When you use ready
as a
service command, you’re telling Tugboat to check whether the condition is true, and if
yes, then continue the Preview build. If the condition is not true, ready
waits and then checks the condition again.
Common use cases for the ready
command include things like checking whether a port is listening, such as checking for
a mysql
connection when running php
The caveat for the ready
command is that the command you try to execute must be able to pass before the app is
installed, because Tugboat needs to spin up the service prior to the app being installed. So if a ready
depends on the app being installed, Tugboat would be stuck forever checking for a condition that will never pass, and
the build process will eventually time out.
When using ready
to check for something that doesn’t happen until after the command would execute, the Preview will
get stuck building indefinitely. For example, in a Node.js app, you might be tempted to use ready
to check that port
3,000 is responding, but when the app is building and the ready
command would execute the first time, you wouldn’t
have anything started on port 3,000 yet, so the Preview will get stuck and the build process will never complete.
There are a couple of ways around this; for example, you could add a delay to give extra time for a Node.js app to start
up using something like: ready: "! test -f ${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/.tugboat/config.yml || sleep 20"
Or you could add something like this as an external script:
#!/bin/sh set -eu curl \ --silent \ --retry 50 \ --retry-delay 1 \ --retry-connrefused \ --max-time 4 \ --retry-max-time 240 \ localhost:3000 > /dev/null || true
Which will try to make a request to localhost
on port 3000 until there’s a response. Then, you could add this line to
your Tugboat config.yml
ready: - 'test ! -x $TUGBOAT_ROOT/.tugboat/node-ready.sh || $TUGBOAT_ROOT/.tugboat/node-ready.sh'
This will make sure the ready
command passes if the node-ready.sh
script isn’t available yet, and if it is
available, it will execute it to see if the Node.js app is running.