Tugboat Images

Tugboat maintains several Docker images. These images are extensions of official Docker images and include tools and configurations that help them work well with Tugboat. Tugboat’s images track the upstream images.

All of our images are available on Docker Hub. The source code used to generate these images is available on GitHub.

It is best practice to use the most specific tag available for a given image to prevent any unforeseen upstream changes from affecting your Previews. For example, instead of tugboatqa/mysql:5-debian, it is generally better to use tugboatqa/mysql:5.6-debian.

That said, sometimes the version of a Service doesn’t really matter much. For example, it may not matter which version of memcached you use, and you can be sure you always have the most recent version available by specifying tugboatqa/memcached or tugboatqa/memcached:latest. See also: Image version tags. There may be exceptions to this, such as the tugboatqa/mysql image, which does not have a latest tag (more on that below). Be sure to look at the Supported Tags linked below for the image you plan on using.

Image Usage
Alpine image: tugboatqa/alpine:[TAG] Supported Tags
Apache image: tugboatqa/httpd:[TAG] Supported Tags
CentOS image: tugboatqa/centos:[TAG] Supported Tags
CouchDB image: tugboatqa/couchdb:[TAG] Supported Tags
Cypress/Included image: tugboatqa/cypress-included:[TAG] Supported Tags
Debian image: tugboatqa/debian:[TAG] Supported Tags
Elastic Search image: tugboatqa/elasticsearch:[TAG] Supported Tags
MariaDB image: tugboatqa/mariadb:[TAG] Supported Tags
Memcached image: tugboatqa/memcached:[TAG] Supported Tags
MongoDB image: tugboatqa/mongo:[TAG] Supported Tags
MySQL image: tugboatqa/mysql:[TAG] Supported Tags
Nginx image: tugboatqa/nginx:[TAG] Supported Tags
Node image: tugboatqa/node:[TAG] Supported Tags
Percona image: tugboatqa/percona:[TAG] Supported Tags
PHP image: tugboatqa/php:[TAG] Supported Tags
PostgreSQL image: tugboatqa/postgres:[TAG] Supported Tags
PostGIS image: tugboatqa/postgis:[TAG] Supported Tags
Python image: tugboatqa/python:[TAG] Supported Tags
RabbitMQ image: tugboatqa/rabbitmq:[TAG] Supported Tags
Redis image: tugboatqa/redis:[TAG] Supported Tags
Ruby image: tugboatqa/ruby:[TAG] Supported Tags
Solr image: tugboatqa/solr:[TAG] Supported Tags
Traefik image: tugboatqa/traefik:[TAG] Supported Tags
Ubuntu image: tugboatqa/ubuntu:[TAG] Supported Tags
Varnish image: tugboatqa/varnish:[TAG] Supported Tags

Additional Information


The Alpine image is extremely minimal by nature. Unlike the other images, it does not have any extra tools installed except those required to use git with SSH.


The tugboatqa/cypress-included images adapt the cypress/included Docker image for use with Tugboat.

It is recommended to run your Cypress tests during the online command group.

If your Cypress config is committed to your repository, you will want to add checkout: true to your config.yml when using this image, so that your Cypress config is available to this service:

    image: tugboatqa/cypress-included:12.7.0
    checkout: true
        - cypress run --config baseUrl="$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL"

The 2.x tags of this image extend the official Elastic Search image on Docker Hub. These images are based on Debian.

The newer tags of this image extend the official Elastic Search images maintained by Elastic.co. These images are based on CentOS.


The MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona images are all configured similarly.

While each of these images are configured similarly, they do have different tags. It’s best to look at the list of Supported Tags in the table above to be sure you’re using the correct version for your application. The tugboatqa/mysql image, for example, does not have a latest tag. This is because the official mysql image’s latest tag uses Oracle Linux.

Whether you use MySQL, MariaDB, or Percona, they all have a default database named tugboat as well as a user named tugboat with a password of tugboat. The tugboat user has full access to the tugboat database. In addition, the root database user does not have a password, but can only be used to connect to the database from the MariaDB or MySQL service.

This means that in order to do any root-level database operations, they must be done by the commands defined for the MySQL or MariaDB service.

    image: tugboatqa/mysql:5-debian
        - mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE foo;"

If MySQL or MariaDB daemon configuration needs to be changed, create or modify the configuration file and restart the service (which is managed using runit):

    image: tugboatqa/mysql:5-debian
        - echo "max_allowed_packet=536870912" >> /etc/mysql/conf.d/tugboat.cnf
        - sv restart mysql

Note the service restarts when the preview is committed, restarting may only be necessary when wanting the configuration to be applied before other actions, such as importing the database.


PHP Extensions

The PHP images provided upstream do not use apt-get to install PHP extensions. Instead, there are helper scripts that let you install additional extensions as required. The images provided by Tugboat attempt to balance installing the most commonly used extensions with reserving as much disk space as possible. If an extension that you need is not installed, use docker-php-ext-configure, docker-php-ext-install, and docker-php-ext-enable in your Service commands.

    # Install and enable the redis extension
    - pecl install redis
    - docker-php-ext-enable redis

More information about these helper scripts can be found in the upstream documentation.

Apache Modules

In order to keep the service containers as lean as possible, only the most basic apache modules are enabled in the PHP/Apache images. To enable a missing module, add it with a service command

    # Enable mod_rewrite and mod_headers
    - a2enmod rewrite headers


The PostgreSQL / PostGIS images have a default database named tugboat as well as a user named tugboat with a password of tugboat. The tugboat user has full access to the tugboat database. In addition, the default superuser password is set to tugboat.


Using the official Solr image inside of Tugboat requires creating the cores as the solr user.

    image: tugboatqa/solr:8.6
    checkout: true
        - su -s /bin/sh -c "solr create_core -c [CORE] -force" solr

Drupal and Search API Solr

The following is an example setup for use with Drupal’s Search API Solr module.

1. Create a new Solr service in your Tugboat config.yml
    image: tugboatqa/solr:8.6
    checkout: true
        - su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/solr/bin/solr create_core -c [CORE] -force" solr

        - cd "${SOLR_HOME}/[CORE]" && rm -rf conf
        - cd "${SOLR_HOME}/[CORE]" && ln -snf "${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/path/to/solr/config" conf

You will need to replace [CORE] with the name of your solr core configured in Search API Solr. You will also need to export the config.zip configset from the Search API Solr module, extract the archive, and store it in version control in your project for Tugboat to use (you also should do this for your other environments) in order to remove the “Incompatible configset” error message in the Drupal admin UI.

The ${SOLR_HOME} environment variable may not be available with some Solr images, in which case you would need to hard-code the path:

cd "/opt/solr/server/solr/[CORE]" && rm -rf conf
2. Depend on the Solr service

Make sure to add the solr service (or whatever you call your Solr service) to the depends directive under the default application.

      - mysql
      - solr
3. Configure Search API with the Solr service hostname

One way to accomplish this is to add the following to a settings.php file that’s loaded specifically for Tugboat:

$config['search_api.server.SERVER_MACHINE_NAME'] = [
  'backend_config' => [
    'connector' => 'standard',
    'connector_config' => [
      'scheme' => 'http',
      'host' => 'solr',
      'path' => '',
      'core' => [CORE], # Matches core name created in Solr setup in Tugboat config.yml
      'port' => '8983',

Note: solr here is the service name in .tugboat/config.yml. If you name your service something different, make sure to use that service name as the host.

The Search API UI for editing the doesn’t show overwritten changes. To validate the overrides, run the following command: drush cget search_api.server.SERVER_MACHINE_NAME --include-overridden.