Environment Variables

This page covers Tugboat’s environment variables. If you’re looking for information on how to use custom environment variables with Tugboat, see: Create Custom Environment Variables.

Image Specific Variables

These variables are added to some of Tugboat’s images.

Variable Name Description Example Value
$DOCROOT On images that provide a webserver (such as tugboatqa/httpd, tugboatqa/nginx, or tugboatqa/php images that have Apache installed), the $DOCROOT environment variable points to the full path that Tugboat expects your document root to live. It’s recommended to symlink your assets directory into place: e.g. ln -snf "${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/build" "${DOCROOT}". /usr/local/apache2/htdocs

Tugboat Environment Variables

Tugboat injects the following environment variables into every Service. These variables are available for the entire lifetime of a Service. This includes both build-time as well as run-time. So, they can be used in Build Scripts as well as run-time configuration files, etc.

Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE The friendly name of the default Service of the current Preview. apache
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_ID The ID of the default Service of the current Preview. 65d80b183a26bc1dcec69e21
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_TOKEN The authentication token for the default Service of the current Preview. jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL The full URL for the default Service of the current Preview. This is also the default URL for the Preview itself. https://pr381-jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb.tugboatqa.com/
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL_HOST The “host” part of the URL for the default Service of the current Preview. pr381-jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb.tugboatqa.com
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL_PROTOCOL The “protocol” part of the URL for the default Service of the current Preview. https
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL_PATH The “path” part of the URL for the default Service of the current Preview. /
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_CONFIG_ALIASES A comma-separated list of aliases configured for the default Service of the current Preview. foo,bar,baz.example.com
$TUGBOAT_DEFAULT_SERVICE_CONFIG_DOMAIN The configured domain for the default Service of the current Preview. tugboatqa.com
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_ID The ID of the current Preview. 65d80b17a79d4412414fa382
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW The ref name used to build the current Preview. This is an alias of \$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_REF. pr381
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_NAME The friendly name of the current Preview. DRAFT: Add examples to environment variables.
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_REF The ref name used to build the current Preview. pr381
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_TYPE What type of preview this is. pullrequest
$TUGBOAT_PREVIEW_SHA The git SHA that the preview was built from. 2b5afb1ac641195fd9c60abaea7943e7b03913cc
$TUGBOAT_PROJECT_ID The ID of the project that the current Preview belongs to. 5bedc23e72db400001b8d0e5
$TUGBOAT_PROJECT The friendly name of the project that the current Preview belongs to. TugboatQA
$TUGBOAT_REPO_ID The ID of the repo that the current Preview belongs to. 6067617b65f817042a1c367e
$TUGBOAT_REPO The friendly name of the repo that the current Preview belongs to. TugboatQA/docs
$TUGBOAT_ROOT The filesystem location where the git repository is cloned. /var/lib/tugboat
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_ID The ID of the current service. 65d80b183a26bc1dcec69e21
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE The friendly name of the current Service. This is also the hostname used to reference this Service container from other Services. apache
$TUGBOAT_SMTP The hostname of a Tugboat SMTP server that can be used to capture outbound email from the Preview. tugboat-agent-proxy.tugboatqa.tugboat.qa

Exposed Service Variables

If a Service has an exposed HTTP port configured, the following variables are also available with information about the Service’s public URL.

Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_TOKEN The authentication token for the Tugboat Service. This is used by the Tugboat HTTP proxy to grant access to a Service and is passed through mostly as an informational value. Additional verification could be done in the application if necessary. jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL The full URL of the current Service. https://pr381-jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb.tugboatqa.com/
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL_PROTOCOL The “protocol” part of the current service’s URL. https
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL_HOST The “host” part of the current service’s URL. pr381-jkm6qcfq2nutbqjrqdlo66n7zmwbnubb.tugboatqa.com
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_URL_PATH The “path” part of the current service’s URL. /
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_CONFIG_ALIASES A comma-separated list of aliases configured for the current service. foo,bar,baz.example.com
$TUGBOAT_SERVICE_CONFIG_DOMAIN The configured domain for the current service. tugboatqa.com

Base Preview Variables

If a Preview was built from a Base Preview, the following variables are also available with information about the Base Preview.

Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW The ref name used to build the Base Preview. This is an alias of $TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_REF. main-node
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_ID The ID of the Base Preview. 65d809f03a26bc1dcec697d9
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_NAME The friendly name of the Base Preview. main-node
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_REF The ref name used to build the Base Preview. main-node
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_TYPE What type of preview the Base Preview is. The value will be one of: branch, tag, commit, pullrequest, or mergerequest. branch
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_TOKEN The authentication token of the Base Preview’s default Service. k6qz9y79gupbfr4lqko7xaofbazl28em
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL The public URL for the Base Preview’s default Service. https://main-node-k6qz9y79gupbfr4lqko7xaofbazl28em.tugboatqa.com/
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL_PROTOCOL The “protocol” part of the Base Preview’s default Service URL. https
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL_HOST The “host” part of the Base Preview’s default Service URL. main-node-k6qz9y79gupbfr4lqko7xaofbazl28em.tugboatqa.com
$TUGBOAT_BASE_PREVIEW_URL_PATH The “path” part of the Base Preview’s default Service URL. /

Git Provider Variables

These variables are injected into Tugboat Previews that are built from a specific provider repository.

Git (Raw git repo)

Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_GIT_REPO The address of the git repository. git@myserver.com:TugboatQA/docs.git


Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_OWNER The owner of the Bitbucket repository. TugboatQA
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_SLUG The URL-friendly name of the Bitbucket repository. See https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/what-is-a-slug-224395839.html docs
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_PR PRs Only - The Bitbucket pull request number. 381
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_TITLE PRs Only - The title of the Bitbucket pull request. DRAFT: Add examples to environment variables.
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_SOURCE PRs Only - The name of the pull request source branch. chris/env-var-examples
$TUGBOAT_BITBUCKET_DESTINATION PRs Only - The name of the pull request destination branch. main


Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_OWNER The owner of the GitHub repository. TugboatQA
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_REPO The name of the GitHub repository. docs
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_PR PRs Only - The GitHub pull request number. 381
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_TITLE PRs Only - The title of the GitHub pull request. DRAFT: Add examples to environment variables.
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_HEAD PRs Only - The name of the pull request head branch. chris/env-var-examples
$TUGBOAT_GITHUB_BASE PRs Only - The name of the pull request base branch. main


Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_NAMESPACE The namespace of the GitLab repository. TugboatQA
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_PROJECT The project name of the GitLab repository. docs
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_MR MRs Only - The GitLab merge request number. 381
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_TITLE MRs Only - The title of the GitLab merge request. DRAFT: Add examples to environment variables.
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_SOURCE MRs Only - The name of the merge request source branch. chris/env-var-examples
$TUGBOAT_GITLAB_TARGET MRs Only - The name of the merge request target branch. main

Stash / Bitbucket Server

Variable Name Description Example Value
$TUGBOAT_STASH_PROJECT The project where the repository lives. TugboatQA
$TUGBOAT_STASH_SLUG The URL-friendly name of the repository. See https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/what-is-a-slug-224395839.html docs
$TUGBOAT_STASH_PR PRs Only - The pull request number. 381
$TUGBOAT_STASH_TITLE PRs Only - The title of the pull request. DRAFT: Add examples to environment variables.
$TUGBOAT_STASH_SOURCE PRs Only - The name of the pull request source branch. chris/env-var-examples
$TUGBOAT_STASH_DESTINATION PRs Only - The name of the pull request destination branch. main