After you’ve created a project, you might want to go in and tweak your Tugboat repo settings. When you go into Repository Settings, you can:
Don’t forget to hit the Save Configuration button after you’ve checked or unchecked boxes to save your changes.
If you later need to change Repository Settings, you can do that anytime; see: Change Repository Settings.
When you’re using the Tugboat integration with GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket, you’ll see provider-specific settings for each of your Tugboat repos. These settings enable you to do things like automatically create a Preview when a Pull Request or Merge Request is opened, or post a comment to a PR with links to its Preview. For a full list of the provider-specific integration options, check out:
Want to create a generic user to post comments to your linked git provider? Take a look at Add a Tugboat bot to your team for details.
When this option is selected, Tugboat automatically rebuilds Previews when the Base Preview they’re built from is rebuilt. This option is turned off by default.
When this option is selected, Tugboat automatically rebuilds Previews when the Base Preview they’re built from is refreshed. This option is turned off by default.
To unpack this a little:
phase, and runs commands in both update
and build
, using the Base
Preview as the starting point and bypassing commands in init
and update
.By default, Tugboat refreshes your Base Previews every day at 12am UTC. You can de-select this checkbox to turn off automatic refresh, or you can specify your preferred interval and time for the refresh to occur. Automatically refreshing Base Previews is a great way to ensure your large assets, such as databases, stay up-to-date, saving you time when you build a new Preview from a recently-refreshed Base Preview.
By default, Preview builds timeout at 3600 seconds. You can change the Preview build timeout to your preferred interval.
Here’s where you can enter environment variables, like API keys or passwords, that you wouldn’t want to store in your repo. If you’re looking for Tugboat’s environment variables to add to your Build Scripts or configuration files, check out Reference -> Environment Variables.
SSH commands that you run from Previews in this repository use the public key in your repo settings. Each of your repositories linked to Tugboat have a unique SSH key. Put this public key on the remote servers that your build scripts or applications need to access.
You can’t SSH into a Tugboat Preview; the SSH key here is all about outbound requests to remote resources. If you want to get into a Tugboat Preview, shell access is provided in both the web interface and the command line tool.
When you link a git repository to Tugboat, Tugboat automatically generates an SSH key for that repo. You can access this key in Repository Settings; scroll to the Remote SSH Access option. To use the SSH key, simply copy it to your clipboard and put it where you need it!
Tugboat provides a private 4096 bit length RSA SSH key. What you see on the Repository Settings page is the public key from the pair.
If you want Tugboat to generate a new SSH key, press the Generate SSH Key button. You’ll see a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to generate a new key, as this action can’t be undone.
If you have Tugboat create a new SSH key, this automatically erases the existing SSH key. If you’re using this SSH key anywhere, you’ll need to update that when you generate a new key.
Need to delete or get rid of an SSH key? Go to Repository Settings; scroll to the Remote SSH Access option for the repository whose key you want to delete, and press the Generate SSH Key button. Generating a new key permanently erases the old key.
If you want to pull images from Docker registries that require authentication, you can manage your authorization credentials from within the repo settings.
By default, when you specify a Docker Hub image to use in Tugboat builds, we use a Tugboat-authenticated user to pull those images. This authentication only applies to Docker Hub; Tugboat pulls from other registries anonymously.
If you need to pull an image from a registry that requires specific authentication credentials, adding your Registry Authentication credentials to the repository settings will use those credentials for every image pull made from this repository, overriding Tugboat’s default or anonymous user.
If you are setting credentials to authorize with Docker Hub, leave the Server
field blank.
By managing these credentials on the repository-level, there’s no need to specify credentials in your Tugboat
file. Setting those credentials here automatically applies them
when Tugboat pulls images to build your previews.
You can specify multiple authentications for the same registry. When multiple authentications are provided, Tugboat attempts to use each one in turn until it can successfully pull the image. If none of the credentials work, Tugboat cannot pull the image and will instead throw an error.
Private Previews are only available to Tugboat Premium or On-Premise subscribers. If you’d like to use Preview IP Filtering, contact us to upgrade your project to a Premium subscription.
Want to restrict access to a Preview URL to only allow a specified set of IP addresses or subnets to view a Tugboat Preview? Press the + Add button to specify IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or subnets that should be allowed to access Previews built from this repository.
The config can accept any of the following
For more information about CIDR notation, take a look at the Wikipedia article: Classless Inter-Domain Routing.
When no filters are provided, no filtering is done. A Preview URL is publicly accessible to anyone who has the link. This is how Tugboat has always worked. However, we do programmatically add an unguessable hash to the URL to prevent “guessing” Preview URLs by looking for an exploiting a pattern to the URL.
When using Preview IP filtering, if one or more filters are provided, ONLY requests coming from an address that matches one of those filters are allowed access to the Preview URLs. Any other requests get a 404 - Preview Not Found.
An address “matches” if it is a member of any of the subnets in the list of filters.
In addition to allow filters, Tugboat also offers deny filters. However, those can only be managed by the API or CLI. When using deny filters, they are processed after allow filters.
If both allow and deny filters are present, a source IP must match an allow filter, but must not match a deny filter in order to access a Preview URL.
If only deny filters are present, a source IP must not match a deny filter in order to access a Preview URL.
Ultimately, deny filters are not very useful on their own, but provide a way for advanced users to allow access to a large subnet, and then specify exceptions to that allow list.
If you want to delete a repo from your Tugboat project, you’ll go into the Repository Settings for that repo and press the Delete Repository button. Deleting a repo from Tugboat does not affect any data in the git provider repo connected to it, nor does it delete the Tugboat project that contains the repo.
Only Admin users have the Delete Repository option. For more on user permissions, see: User permission levels explained.
Any time you need to make a change to Repository Settings:
From here, you’ll see all the Repository Settings you can modify. If you make changes to the settings, don’t forget to press the Save Configuration button!